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Plugin API

There is 5 type of plugins avaialble:


To perssist and cache data.

  • indexeddb API
  • localStorage API
  • sessionStorage API
  • @ionic/secure-storage
  • @capacitor/perferences


To parse/stringify data.

  • JSON
  • YAML
  • TOML


To sync data between things

  • DOM Event API
  • Storage Event API
  • Event Emitter API
  • Broadcast Channel API


To validate and verify data

  • zod
  • yup
  • joi
  • superstruct


To integerate with another tools


Store Managers

  • pullstate
  • zustand
  • pinia


  • sveltekit
  • svelte
  • react
  • vue


To compose multiple plugins into one, you can define a composite plugin that takes the individual plugins as dependencies.

Key Concepts

Anchor Hooks

preprocess Method

The preprocess hook is called before the data is processed by plugins in the pipeline. plugins can modify, parse, retrieve data. or prevent data processing by returning the given data argument.

postprocess Method

The postprocess hook is called before the modified data is committed to persisters. plugins can modify, stringify, save, emit, or invoke listeners the data before it is saved. plugins can prevent data processing further by returning the given data argument.

Accessors and Properties

namespace getter/setter

The namespace property is used to set or get the namespace of a parent Store. it can be accessed by plugins but is injected by the parent Store.

name property

The name property is a read-only property containing the unique name of the plugin in the format {scope}/{name}, for example built-in/localStorage.

type property

The type property is a read-only property defining the type of the plugin. This includes the ones mentioned in above section, but for Collection Plugins, the type should be synchronizer.

addListener method [optional if plugin supports]

The addListener method allows plugins to accept listeners and handlers from a Store. It is typically used by plugins that require reacting to user interactions or browser events. The type property should be synchronizer.

removeListener method [optional if plugin supports]

The removeListener method allows plugins to remove previously registered event listeners. the type property should be synchronizer.

Data generic argument [injectable]

Data is a generic argument representing the expected data type that a plugin will receive upon instantiation. It is injected through dependency injection.

Plugin Invoker Function (PIF)

The PIF (Plugin Invoker Function) is a directive function and arguments proxy to instantiate plugins with their required constructor dependencies.

Released under the GPLv3-only License